Hawkfield Dapper in Black JW ( Darcy.)
4/4/2006 - 14/1/2019.
Sire - Sh Ch Scobec Lookindapper.
Dam - Hawkfield Cinnamon JW.

Darcy was a beautiful, fun loving dog. He was extremely successful in the show ring, gaining his Junior Warrant title and many Best Puppy in Breed and Best Puppy in Show awards along the way. He was also awarded two Challenge Certificates and 6 reserve challenge certificates, all by Breed Specialists. He was a proven sire of quality puppies in B/W, O/W, LEM/W and Solid Black . He had a tremendous sense of humour and passed on his qualities to his babies. He had the most amazing success for many years in Veteran classes including Best Veteran in Show at The Pointer Club Champ Show 2014 and Best Veteran dog at Crufts 2017. Darcy passed away at home on his comfy settee in January 2019 and my life and heart will never be the same again.
Hawkfield Saunter JW . 2015.
11:12:2015 - 08:10:2021.
sire - Wozopeg Sesame by Hawkfield (imp Hun) dam - Hawkfield Giddy Kipper.
Bournemouth Ch Show ... 1st minor puppy bitch and Best Bitch puppy.
Gundog Breeds of Scotland Ch Show .... Best Puppy in Breed.
Bakewell Open Show .... Best Puppy in Breed.
Pointer Club Open Show .... Best Puppy in Show.
Southern Pointer Club Open Show .... Best Puppy in Show.
Lemonie achieved some super results in the show ring including her Junior Warrant title and we were delighted with her judges critiques who time and time again recognized her 'Pointeriness'
In March 2019 Lemonie produced her first litter. Drake was the father to a beautiful litter of 8. She proved to be an excellent mother and pups Happy and Jolly were retained.
In September of 2021 Lemonie became dangerously ill with a viral respiratory infection when 4 weeks in whelp, with constant nursing she recovered but during a very difficult whelping she was lost to a ruptured uterus.... the pain that is felt will never be forgotten.
She left a very precious gift in her baby lemon daughter Snickett.
Hawkfield Audacious (A.I.) ' Dizzy' 2017
12:07:2017 - 29:05:2021.
Sire : NZ and Aus Ch
Chesterhope Take a Number.
Dam : Hawkfield Giddy Kipper.
Hawkfield Sunkissed Sea.
15:10:2007 - 04:02:2021.
Sire - Hawkfield Dapper in Black JW.
Dam - Hawkfield Seabreeze.

Kelt was the son of Breeze (H.Seabreeze) and Darcy (H.Dapper in Black JW). He was a very laid back, happy boy who, as a puppy won Best Puppy in Show at Mid-Herts Gundog Open Show, Windsor Gundog Open Show, Stafford and District Open Show and to top it all Kelt was awarded BEST PUPPY IN SHOW at NATIONAL GUNDOG CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW 2008 amongst other awards. 2009 started very well for Kelt with the award of 2 Reserve Challenge Certificates at WELKS and The Southern Pointer Champ Show both under Breed Specialists. Due to a broken toe Kelt took some time off but has continued over the years to enjoy some showing. Kelt was a third generation homebred Hawkfield. Hip score 3 : 5 Total 8. Kelt sired some lovely puppies who inherited his lovely temperament and correct conformation. Crufts 2011 winner of Mid Limit Dog. Kelt was the third of the Hawkfield boys who enjoyed a veteran show career, so much so that he won his 3rd res CC from Veteran at SKC ( AUG ) 2016. Kelt retired from the show ring and thoroughly enjoyed himself at home and one the beach. He was such a kind and gentle soul wrapped up in a numpty blanket ... our lives are so much poorer with his passing.
Hawkfield Lets Go Crackers. ( Cracker.)
26/08/2007 - 07/09/2020.
Sire - Multi Ch Chesterhope Lets Be Serious. Dam - Shanandi Raising a Riot at Hawkfield.

Cracker enjoyed a very successful show career including some impressive results including Best Puppy in Show at Isle of Wight Gundog Open Show and Reserve Best Puppy in Show at the Southern Pointer Club Open Show. At the age of 10 months he gained his stud book number at the Southern Pointer Club Championship Show. He was out of 'Riot' by Multi Champion Chesterhope Lets Be Serious at Kanix ( Breeze ) He was a lovely dog who was a very focused and mature dog. He thoroughly enjoyed showing. Crufts 2010 winner of Mid Limit Dog. Crufts 2011 2nd Limit dog ( beaten only by his brother Rowdy )
Cracker was awarded Best Veteran in Show at The Pointer Club Championship Show 2015.
He also sired some very promising puppies to a range of bloodlines...........
His son Prosperity Va Va Voom won his first CC at Richmond 2016.
Cracker retired from the showring and divided his time between the settee and the beach until shortly after his 13th birthday. Rest easy now Cracker x
Tomlow Look Whos Here at Hawkfield.
( Floosie )
6/4/2009 - 7/8/2020.
Sire - Hawkfield Dapper in Black JW.
Dam - Sh Ch Tomlow Night and Day.

H. Lets Get Rowdy JW ShCM (1 CC, 1RCC)

Well what can be said about Rowdy ? Rowdy was Riot's handsome son and along with his brother Cracker and sister Lissom really made a mark on the show ring. Amongst Rowdy's many showing successes were numerous Best Puppy in Breed awards, Best of Breeds, Group and Puppy Group placings; Junior Warrant; Show Certificate of Merit. In August 2008 he was awarded a Reserve Ticket from Puppy and his first Challenge Certificate was gained in October 09. He was a very entertaining young man who also passed his Silver Good Citizen award. Rowdy lived a full and happy life with Antonia, Mark and their family and he is sadly missed by us all.

H. Cummerbund.

Sam lived the 'laidback' life with a lovely rescue Pointer with Wendy Moore in Clevedon. Fairly early on in life he lost a back leg due to an accident but this didn't stop him leading a long, happy and active life.
It was lovely to see Sam in the summer of 2018 enjoying life and being extremely well looked after but in the spring of 2019 Sam joined his brothers in heaven.
Shanandi Causing Chaos at Hawkfield - Chaos.

Chaos was a beautiful, gentle dog out of Gem's sister Daisy, Hawkfield Cayenne, by Shanandi Sheer Delight and out of the same litter as Bridget. He gained many awards in the showring as a youngster and gained his stud book number but he was not in love with showing so he lived a hassle free life chasing sparrows at home with Flynn, Tomas and Rowsby until it was time to become a bright star in the sky leaving us all heartbroken.
H. Hullaballoo

Bloo passed away in the spring of 2019.
Hawkfield Mischief Maker for Guanabara JW ShCM

Jackpot had the most amazing life being loved by all who met him and thousands more across the world but no one loved him more than Claire, his devoted 'Mum'. Tragically Jackpot became a star in the sky May 1st 2018. He will be forever loved and missed x
H. Top Hat and Tails .

Flynn lived with Tomas, Chaos and Rowsby Woof, he was from the very successful 'Dapper' litter which included Darcy, Dandy, Finlay, Sam, Tomas, Jack, Larkin and Florrie.
Both Tomas and Flynn passed away within months of each other leaving Sue and Keith devastated.
H. Deejay.

Tomas and Flynn were the first two Hawkfields to share their lives with Sue and Keith in South Wales followed fairly quickly by Chaos and Rowsby Woof, making it a houseful of fun with 4 Pointers !!
I will never be able to repay Sue and Keith for their love and devotion to Tomas and Flynn.
H. Black Tie

When Elaine came to me looking for a dog that she would hopefully compete at the highest level in both Agility and Showing she bravely let me choose Finlay for her. He amazed us with his aptitude for Agility winning in his first season of competing and consistantly winning at Championship level in the showring. A write up descibed him as having 'a classical head and smooth flowing lines in proportion to his handy size, although I feel he has alot yet to come and will reach his full potential in another 18 months or so. Put down in hard condition, is active and alert and goes like a bomb, gave me a real buzz to go over him and he has the work in him, could make it in both show and trials.'- Michael Blake.
Finlay continued to live life to the full with Elaine and her family until it was time for him to head to Heaven. He was an absolute star who we were all extremely proud of.
Bridget - Shanandi Clarissa.

This is Bridget, out of Gem's sister Daisy (Hawkfield Cayenne) by Shanandi Sheer Delight, she was a beautiful bitch full of Pointer attitude and was a delight to show and live with. Sadly when Bridget was in whelp to Darcy she had to have a c section to deliver dead babies so Bridget was spayed and retired to live a carefree life with good friends. She is now a bright star in the sky along side her mum Daisy x
Hawkfield Suited N Booted - Dandy.
4/4/2006 - 22/12/2016.

Dandy was the very kind brother of Darcy and son of Gem from her second and last litter and by Show Champion Scobec Lookindapper (Higgins ) He was a beautiful dog, lovely natured and very laid back. During his puppy career he gained amongst other awards Best Puppy in Show at the Southern Pointer Club Open Show and many Best of Breed awards as an adult. He lived with Truffle where he enjoyed a happy comfortable life. He will be very sadly missed by myself and his owners Suzanne and Terry Fletcher.
Hawkfield Cayenne. ( Daisy )
4/12/1999 - 7/10/2016.
sire - Hurwyn Black Jack of Shanandi.
Dam - Pipeaway Phan Tasmah.

Hawkfield Seabreeze ( Breeze )
21/07/2003 - 19/03/2016.
Sire - Pipeaway Holy Whizz.
Dam - Hawkfield Cinnamon JW

This is Breeze, Gem's daughter by Pipeaway Holy Whizz, She spent her days helping Antonia and Mark rear their young family and occassionally dipped her toe in the showring as well as appearing in films. In 2007 she produced a beautiful litter of ten babies, two of which, Kelt and Seren, were kept. In 2009 Breeze whelped her second and last litter, again ten ! Darling Breeze left us very suddenly when she suffered a stroke, leaving us all devastated.
Gem - Hawkfield Cinnamon JW.
04/12/1999 - 28/12/2013
Hurwyn Black Jack of Shanandi .
Pipeaway Phan Tasmah.

This photo of Gem, Saphire's daughter by Hurwyn Black Jack of Shanandi, was taken when she was 2 years old at Crufts after winning her class. She continued to show at Crufts throughout her career being placed on every occassion. She also gained her Junior Warrant title and two Reserve Challenge Certificates as well as producing two quality litters...in later years she spent her time perfecting the art of sleeping on the settee and recently celebrated her 14th birthday.Very sadly shortly after her 14th birthday Gem drifted off to heaven. Never to be forgotten and loved forever.
Jaffa - Hawkfield Jackson.
04/12/1999 - 22/12/2013
Hurwyn Black Jack of Shanandi.
Pipeaway Phan Tasmah.

Jaffa was Gem, Ellie and Daisy's brother ( amongst others ) and whilst he was with Hawkfield he was almost unstoppable with his brace partner Gem. When the opportunity for a fabulous home with Nina occurred I couldn't deny him such a life changing chance.... he lived an extremely active, daring life walking and mountain climbing, the above photo is of Nina and Jaffa on the very top of one of the Munro's......carrying his own kit !!
Shortly after his 14th birthday Jaffa went to play amongst the stars, his twin sister Gem joined him 12 days later. Nina and I will miss him so much but have many happy memories.
Ellie - Hawkfield Capsicum At Ridanflight
Hurwyn Black Jack of Shanandi x Pipeaway Phan Tasmah.

Ellie joined Steve Rose's Ridanflight Kennel and in the fullness of time produced two quality litters, the second of which is (pictured) by Multi Champion Chesterhope Lets Be Serious at Kanix. Ellie enjoyed a lovely long retirement and passed away in her 12th year.
Riot - Shanandi Raising a Riot at Hawkfield.
Shanandi Sheer Delight x Shanandi Ballerina

What can be said about Riot ? Riot by name Riot by nature ! She was a beautiful quality bitch by Shanandi Sheer Delight out of Shanandi Ballerina ( by Pipeaway Billy Bob ) She started her show career well including Best puppy in Breed at WELKS Championship show and Best Puppy in show at the Southern Pointer Club Open Show, she continued to win well at Open and Championship level. She produced an exciting litter in 2007 to Multi Champion Chesterhope Lets Be Serious at Kanix, their offspring got off to a flying start with numerous best puppy in breed awards, best of breeds and best puppy in show awards, they have had continued success and now can account for Junior Warrant titles, studbook numbers, Show cetificate of merit title, Challenge Certificate, reserve Challenge Certificate and a great day at the Pointer Club Open Show 2009 by Rowdy and Cracker winning Best Dog and Reserve Best Dog. In 2010 she whelped her second litter of 6, this time to Kelt. They were beautiful puppies and again she reared them fantastically. Riot very sadly lost her life due to complications following a ceasarian to deliver her single daughter, Effie, who was born sleeping. We will miss her beyond words.
A very special friend

Tomas arrived in my life whilst I was still at school, he belonged to an elderly lady who was having trouble exercising him so she asked me to help out........a couple of years later she moved into unsuitable accomodation so he came to live with me. Tomas was my 'dog of a lifetime' He turned out to be brilliant at obedience, agility and working trials. He came runner up in a Pedigree sponsored national obedience final, he was the first labrador to qualify and compete at 'senior' level ( the top level in those days)in Agility and in his first working trial scored 99.5 out of 100 .........brilliant, just brilliant ! At one particular Agility show a friend and fellow competitor accused him of being able to count because he seemed to know where to go ....I replied that he could but only up to 20 as that was how many obstacles there were !! He was my soulmate.
Shanandi Harlequin...........Otter.
Sh Ch Jakeway Driver x Pipeaway Simply Gorgeous.

Otter came from the Shanandi kennels at the age of 6 months and was the start of my interest in showing Pointers which continues to this day with just as much, if not more, enthusiasm and enjoyment. He was a very happy, fun loving dog who never let me down either in or out of the showring. He also competed in Agility. In his latter years he was the first of my Pointers to enjoy his retirement with a friend of mine on the North Norfolk coast with plenty of beach walks and cosy fires. Otter was by Show Champion Jakeway Driver out of Pipeaway Simply Gorgeous.
Shanandi Black Shadow.................Tigger.
Hurwyn Black Jack of Shanandi x Hurwyn Lorna Doone of Shanandi.

Tigger also came from the Shanandi kennels, but this time as a young puppy. He was a sweet natured fun loving dog who from the word go fitted right in to the Hawkfield household. He had a very successful show career including the dog CC at the age of 20 months at Richmond Ch show under breed specialist Michael Blake. Tigger lived a very full and active life until his death within two weeks of his famous father H.Black Jack of S. in february 2003.
Pipeaway Phan Tasmah.............Saphire.
Pipeaway Culture Vulture x Pipeaway Millie Venilli.

Hawkfield very sadly said goodbye to Saphire in April 2009. She lived a long and happy life, leaving us at nearly 14 years of age having produced 25 beautiful puppies in two litters. In her retirement she lived by the sea in Norfolk and could often be seen 'fishing'. She left behind children, grandchildren and great grandchildren to be proud of.
Sleep well sweet Saphire...........xx
Hawkfield Hooligan - Tweed.
Shanandi Black Shadow x Pipeaway Phan Tasmah.

Tweed left us in January 2011 four months after his thirteenth birthday he was Saphire's son by Shanandi Black Shadow born 1997. He was one of the kindest dogs I've known and he was great fun to show and gained his stud book number under world renouned Pointer expert Cecily Robertshaw. Before retiring, he lived with my good friend June in Norfolk and had a wail of a time, he was very special as he was the first puppy kept from the first Hawkfield litter.
Hawkfield Sneak a Peek. ( Rogue )
Sire - Wozopeg Sesame by Hawkfield ( imp Hun ) Dam - Tomlow Look Whos Here at Hawkfield.

Click photos to enlarge
The above photos are a collection of some of the dogs that have shared my life. Top Left. Tomas aged 11. Top middle. Tomas with Harry (Jack Russell pup). Top right. Tomas.2nd row left.Tomas and Guide dog stud dog Fabian. 2nd row middle. Tomas, Fabian and my very first Pointer 'Oscar' as a pup.2nd row rightTomas with some of his many awards. Bottom left.Fabian and Tigger (Shanandi Black Shadow) as a pup. bottom middle.Boot (Captain Pugwash)Goldiex.Bottom right.Boot.
The above photos are, Top left.Tomas and Oscar (Shanandi Black Velvet).top middle. On the Isle of Man at an Agility/obedience competition, Tomas,Otter,Harry,Boot and Fabian flanked by two black labrador friends. Top right.Tomas, Fabian and Oscar.Bottom left.Fabian, Tomas, Otter, Boot, Harry and Tigger.Bottom middle.Boot competing in Agility.Bottom right.Tomas, Boot and Fabian.
The above photos are. Top left. Guide dogs Brood Bitch Freya. Top middle. Freya with her pups. Top right.Cindy, my very first dog, a collie x lab. Middle left.Nell and Taff with a hen ! Middle Cindy and her friend Bif. Middle right. Cindy. 3rd Row left. Teg matriach Patterdale bitch. 3rd Row middle. Collie pup. 3rd row right.Working cocker bitch Penny. Bottom Cindy.